Lymphatic Massage

A gentle massage that stimulates the lymph through the one way drainage pathways within the body, using flowing rhythmic movements.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymph is a clear fluid that moves water, protein, cells and electrolytes around the body. By stimulating the lymphatic system the tissues of the body are assisted in the process of clearing excess fluid.

It is a gentle massage, using flowing rhythmic movements which stimulate the lymph through the one way drainage pathways. The massage targets the syperficial lypmh vessels and gentle breath is used to stimulate the deeper lymph vessels.

The aim is to reduce swelling (odema) by increasing lymphatic drainage.

What happens during a Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Step 1 – Arrival & Consultation

A typical body massage session lasts for one hour to 75 minutes, treating specific areas such as back, shoulders, neck, abdomen, calves and thighs or any areas giving discomfort, aches or pains.

The environment is important to the massage. The room will be warm and peaceful with careful consideration given to the lighting, soft music and aromas to add to the experience.

Prior to the first visit clients complete a consultation form online, where they are asked a number of questions concerning general well-being, injuries, surgery and medical conditions that the therapist should know about, in order to determine if there are any contra-indications (physical conditions that would prohibit or limit a massage treatment).

The client is asked to undress ensuring their modesty is protected, at which point the therapist will leave the room and the client will be asked to lie on the treatment couch under a large sheet and blanket. During the session, the therapist will use the sheet to expose only those parts of the body to which treatment is being applied. No body part or area will be massaged without the client’s permission.


Step 2 – The Treatment

Massage balm is the most commonly used medium.

A good balm will nourish the skin, I prefer organic Shea Butter, it allows a free-flowing movement and it enables the hands to glide. The balm will be applied to the areas to be massaged ensuring good coverage. The therapist will begin the techniques by starting with the effleurage(stroking) technique to warm up the muscles before any techniques are applied. The therapist applies long, smooth strokes over the body, using gentle pressure to improve the flow of lymph and encourage relaxation.

Step 3 – Finishing Up & Aftercare

The therapist will sense responses but will also ask the client about the depth of their pressure ensuring that it does not cause pain, an effective massage should not cause pain. If in discomfort or pain, the client should feel free to ask the therapist to modify their treatment.

The therapist will finish the treatment and quietly check that the client is comfortable and offer a glass of water. The client will be asked to take their time getting up and the therapist will leave the room whilst the client gets dressed. On the therapist re-entering the room the client and therapist will discuss how the treatment went and the therapist will give after-care advice.

Who should get a Lymphatic Massage?

Anyone with muscular damage

Anyone with lymphodema

Anyone with sinus problems

Anyone with swollen legs and ankles

Anyone wishing to relax and detox

Anyone with IBS

Anyone with Premenstual symptoms

Anyone post surgery tp aid the recovery process

Anyone with fluid retention

Why should you get a Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

People are very aware of the value of massage in combating the stresses and tensions of modern living. Client’s tend to book this massage to aid in recovery follow surgery.

Lymphatic Drainage  massage can:

– Alleviate stress and aid relaxation
– Ease fluid retention, and stiffness and reduce muscle damage
– Improve digestive issues
– Aid deeper and easier breathing
– Improve circulation
– Reduces puffiness
– Strengthen the healing process
– Support rehabilitation
– Encourage peace of mind
– Relieve mental stress
– Promote deep relaxation
– Aid lymphatic drainage
– Promote relaxation
– Help to re-energise

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can it help with fluid retention?

A: Yes it drains excess fluids from the tissues, preventing oedema. It will support your lyphm in fighting infection. It supports your lymph carrying proteins back to the blood. It supports your lymph removing waste materials from the body cells.

Q: Is it relaxing?

A: Yes the treatment can be used as a form of relaxation.

Book Now

To book a Lymphatic Drainage Massage call 07816 485 691 or book online below: